Our Team

Colleen Lennen

f/k/a Colleen Markou


With 25+ years of experience practicing in family law litigation, Attorney Lennen fights endlessly for her clients to ensure a just outcome. While a powerhouse in the courtroom, Attorney Lennen’s skills shine further in her ability to efficiently mediate legal matters.

Attorneys at Paw

Robbi, the shih-tzu poodle office dog


Always in the best mood, Robbi is ecstatic in greeting each day and every client with excitement. Robbi remains prepared to support our clients and stay by their side as they consult with the practicing attorneys.

Sam, the shih-tzu office dog


Eager to participate in all office activities, Sam does not let time pass by without making sure all is in order at the office. Whether it is the mail lady or a treasured client, Sam is the first at the door to issue a welcome.